West African Cichlids Pelvicachromis Benitochromis, Procatopus Killy Aphyosemion PolypterusProcatopus Killy Aphyosemion Polypterus Anubias Crinum Bolbitis
Tropifish Cameroon
Ornamental fish and aquatic plants from Cameroon
Killifish from Cameroon
Killifish are some of the most beautiful fresh water tropical fish in the hobby today. The Killifish fish belongs to the order Cyprinodontiformes. Altogether there are some 1270 different species of killifish, with the biggest family being Rivulidae which contains more than 320 species. The word “Killifish” is Dutch for “fish of the creek”, but Killifish are found in many environments world wide except for Australia, China and Northern Europe. Their habitat consists of any body of water from mud holes to lakes, from swamps to rivers, from hot springs to estuaries, from deserts to rainforest brooks! At times it seems they are a bit under-rated, as these fish are not only strikingly beautiful but they are also undemanding, require little space, are easy to care for and can be kept in a community tank. As mentioned, the colours in the males are unlike any other fish, with reds, blues, yellows, greens and many more.
Fishman Cameroon