West African Cichlids Pelvicachromis Benitochromis, Procatopus Killy Aphyosemion PolypterusProcatopus Killy Aphyosemion Polypterus Anubias Crinum Bolbitis
Tropifish Cameroon
Ornamental fish and aquatic plants from Cameroon
Business conditions
Fishman Cameroon works under the following Business conditions:
1 - Order intake: Client submit an order per email through the Contact form.
2 - Client gives full credentials of his company
3 - Confirmation Invoice will be sent by Fishman Cameroon, and a 50% deposit on the Fishman Cameroons Bankaccount on the given date makes the order definite.
4 - Client give all details of port of destination so the needed procedures can be taken by Fishman Cameroon.
5 - A shippingdate will be agreed on by both parties.
6 - A full inventory/packing list will be given by Fishman Cameroon, so the client can take the necessary steps on his side of the shipment. If needed the order will be adjusted ( depending on availabillity of some fish - seasonal availabilliy)
6 - Shipment arrives at pprt of destination.
7 - Rest payment of 50% ( or the difference between the first Invoice and adjusted Invoice ) of the Invoice will be done within 3 days after arrival of the Shipment.