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Fishman Cameroon Pelvicachromis taeniatus  Moliwe Dehane Wouri Lobé Kienke Benitochromis Aphyosemion Procatopus Sicydium Parananochromis Barbus jae Polypterus Anubia Crinum

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Edited Image 2014-2-7-10:11:5
Fishman Cameroon

WELCOME at Tropifish Cameroon


We offer high quality Ornamental fish and plants from Cameroon.

Our company name is Tropifish Cameroon, and we are a professional Wholesaler in Ornamental fish and plants from Cameroon. Our homebase is near Doula, where we have our Fish store facility. We store most of our fish for a little while in quarantine before we ship them. We have several species of different genera in stock, so we can deliver Worldwide in a relatively short notice. As you may know, there are lots of beautiful Aquatic plants in Cameroon. Such as Anubias, Crinum and Bolbitis, which we can all ship to you in large quantaties.  We select the highest quality fish and plants at the site and take only the best fish and plants back to our facillity. We are looking for Business for the long term, so we do our vert best to give you the best quality for the best price!


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