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We accompany fish expeditions through Cameroon


We are proud that we accompanied the first WAC Collecting tour to Cameroon in february 2015! And the 2017 WAC collecting tour will again accompanied by Ngando Ephisian Jiku.


We also accompanied following Scientific collecting tours: Mr. Arnold Bija - University of Ngaoundéré, Adrian Indermaur & Zuzana Musilová - University of Basel /Switserland.


​Other tours we accompanied:

2007 - Hans van Heusden & Michel Keijman

2009 - Uwe Werner & Michel Keijman

2011 - Uwe Werner & Michel Keijman

2011 - Uwe Werner & Michel Keijman


Are you interested of making a Fish collecting tour (killy or cichlids) through Cameroon and want me as your guide, than send me a e-mail or call me, and we start from there.
Tel: 00 237 671000633 


Greetings Ngando Ephisian Jiku


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